I am a storyteller.
I’m passionate about stories, big, small, quirky, happy, sad, hopeful, and all the ones you stumble upon and collect along the road.
I like to think it comes from the moment I was born, because my name has its very own anecdote. LEIRUM is my Mom’s name spelled backwards: Muriel > Leirum. And I had to tell this story to everyone I met, so they could remember such a complicated name.
But everyone knows me as Lei.
I believe stories, when beautifully crafted, can create strong connections. I believe the creativity you use to tell tales can change people hearts, behavior and perceptions. Especially when you know how to put yourself in their shoes, understand their perspective, and empathize. Being a Latina in the U.S and working for advertising has helped me make a bigger statement that goes beyond just putting creative elements out there. I strive to bring authenticity to very brand I work on.
Sometimes it just takes one simple word to make a difference. I know this because I love to write, not only print ads or case studies, but poems, stories, letters, recipes, little notes. It has been a long road wandering and collecting all the good things I can find along the way, mixing my Venezuelan, Puerto Rican and American roots, where the most interesting anecdotes grow.
Because the most rewarding journey is the one that leave us with something to share.
Leirum “Lei” Rivas